Hi, I'm Alexis. Christ-follower, wife of the best husband in the world, mother of twin girls, daughter, sister, friend. Trying to do all of these the way God has called me to, is more than enough to fill a life.
I claim no authority or expertise in any of these areas. In fact, this blog isn't even really all about me. If it was left completely up to me, I would still be pre-planning and perfecting and designing this blog. Good thing it is not up to me. It may never get written. Despite my exhaustive efforts, I am not perfect, nor is anything I have ever done. That is why I say this blog is not about me. If it were, it would probably exhaust both you and me, and there is a good chance it would never exist at all.
Needless to say, this blog is not perfect, nor is it intended to be. If I tried to make it perfect, the whole thing would end up being about me. Instead, this blog is about the only One Who Is Perfect. And He is perfect without any effort at all. As a matter of fact, He defined perfection. But the point of this blog really isn't perfection either.
If pressed, I would have to say this blog is more about destiny - fulfilling my destiny by trying to follow the path laid out by the One who has planned my destiny. This is about becoming. Becoming all that I'm intended to be which is defined by both being and doing all that God has called me to be and do. Only in following that path - though I often stumble, stray, turn back and get lost - do I experience any hope or sense of worth in this life. This blog is about the path to my destiny, and all the detours - self-imposed or not - along the way. Clearly, not a "perfect" journey, as I would define it on my own terms.
God has plans for me. He has plans for each of us. Destiny. It sounds like the stuff superheroes are made of - or maybe made for. But it is true for all of us. So if my Destiny is the destination (pun intended?), then this blog is about the journey. And what an ugly journey it can be. Why? Because of me, of course. Remember, I'm not perfect. I often lose sight of the path ahead, or maybe I just get distracted, or ok, maybe I just deliberately jump off to try and forge my own path. I also make tons of wrong turns - I mean, tons - (sometimes deliberately) which lead to all sorts of convoluted detours and dead ends. Not to mention the fact that most of the time, I simply neglect to ask for directions. And how could we forget about all the times I decide to just sit down and be satisfied with whereever I currently happen to be? Those are classic (especially if you know me).
So this blog is all about what the God of the Universe and Lover of My Soul has done and is doing in me, through me, and in spite of me. It is all about Him. I am being obedient to record the process for all of you. Yes, even the UGLY parts. Especially the ugly parts. Because He's all about making the ugly, beautiful. In sharing the ugly, I share His beauty and grace and love and power. So here is all of it - my ugliest laid bare for the world to see.
To be known by Him,
To know Him fully,
To make Him known to others;
This is Life.
This is YOUR destiny.
~ Alexis